15 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

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About Anjita Ganguly

Co-founder & Publication Expert at Exceller Books, Anjita describes herself as a teacher by heart, traveler by passion and a publication expert by profession. An  unfaltering pursuit of literature has cultivated in her a diverse mood, lovely temperament and boundless patience – a bunch of essential qualities for managing a publishing process. She switches between being firm and friendly while coordinating between the in-house teams to deliver the most effective job. When she is not saddled with her day-to-day responsibility, she can be found tripping along uncharted territories in the hope of experiencing new people and cultures.

Writer’s block is a condition where writers experience a temporary halt in the creative process. Serious writer’s block can be straightaway intimidating. If you are a writer for a long time, you must have already suffered from it and know how dreadful it might get if not given any attention to. It is so agonizingly common in the world of writers that it does not require any introduction. In general sense, writers suddenly come to a standstill with their writing and find themselves inadequate with expressions. The only good thing is it is a temporary phase and things get better after a while.

When there is no easy or sure fix to this situation, writer’s block can last from a week up to 2 months or more.  Writers of all calibers and times have got a taste of writer’s block and have tried different remedies to cure this inertia of the brain. Let’s look at the most reliable 15 ways to overcome writer’s block:

  1. Create an Outline: A clean and clear outline keeps your ideas focused on the topic and helps you generate valuable ideas related to your subject.
  2. Read More Widely: Reading is a universal remedy for all sorts of emotional troubles. Writing is not an exception. Reading helps recover the balance of mind and supplies inspiration for writing. Read random articles- who knows which idea sits on you? And writing comes as the reaction of reading. So, reading is a big savior.
  3. Breakthrough the Restriction: Sometimes writers feel restricted out of the need of having to write on a particular topic and they feel like their ideas are exhausted- there is no new perspective to offer. Or there is no newness in the subject. Old and contemporary authors have dined out on it. Do not worry! It is a common feeling. Try to write about something else.
  4. Generate Inspiration from Words: Sometimes you look at a word and its meaning inspires you so much that you think of a whole new situation. It is a personal experience. When my teacher first taught me the phrase ‘Put us up’. She explained with an example of friends being caught up in a storm and asking shelter from a dweller of a village nearby. Every time I hear the word, I remember the same story.
  5. Think of Your Original Motivation. If there is a particular motivation that got you writing in the first place, consider going back to it. Like some people write to put a stop to traditional injustices, some want to break even social inequalities, some write to expose political misconducts. If you have a similar experience, reinstate your reason by imagining instances of cruelty and insensibility around you and get to write.
  6. Start Anywhere You Feel Like: Don’t think about the chronological sequence. Better something than nothing. Remember, you are not in your usual writing form. You can stitch them seamlessly with your writer’s dexterity when your fecund imaginations are back.
  7. Brainstorm for Key Words:  The most widely used technique is brain-storming for fitting words and ideas. When you have sufficient ideas to start with, get to writing.
  8. Call a Buddy:  According to some writers, conversion with a friend can cure writer’s block. You are bound to mention all the important points around a topic in a conversation. Thus, if you dry up, conversation with a friend can let your creative juice flow again.
  9. Write First, Edit Later:  Editing takes away your focus from the plotline and hampers the progression. Hence it should be done when you are done with writing your plot.
  10. Glimpse of Your Previous Write-ups: This reminds you that you are a strong writer and can write on any topic under the sun. Self-appreciation replenishes your self confidence, much-needed in a creative process.
  11. Set a Timer: Sometimes, compulsion creates motivation. Remember that moment in the exam hall when the last 10 minutes are left and you have a whole answer to write? That last ten minutes in the exam hall is perhaps the most productive moment of one’s life. Try that technique here also. Set a time to yourself and see the result.
  12. Read Quotes to be Inspired: Quotes represent concentrated philosophy of the speaker and reading those mighty words can motivate us cognitively. Looking at a series of life-changing ideas lifts us above the ordinary enabling us to see things in a different dimension. This technique works the best for me.
  13. Go for a Change: Most people have experienced this but yet surprisingly are unaware of the fact that a change in the environment has an incredible influence on your emotional experience. Environment has a great role in getting you to write. Many writers travel frequently and extensively to find new inspiration for writing. Try changing your work location or go for a vacation to generate curiosity and appreciation in your mind for that very place. This will help you in writing.
  14. Eliminate Background Noise: It goes without saying that a calm environment is what you need for writing. It helps you see the imprints the daily occurrences have left on your mind. And you can put them to paper.
  15. Write Before Going to Bed: Whether it is about figuring out the right career or sorting a relationship dilemma, decisions taken prior to bedtime turn out to be wiser than the others. Writing is no exception. Many authors, writers and bloggers choose to set a writing slot between 10 pm and 3 am as they feel the most productive during this time mainly because of the quietness in the environment. Psychologically, at night, human intelligence reaches the climax of our wakeful state and this condition can give impetus to your creativity. However, the benefit is twofold as writing in the way of organizing your thoughts calms your mind and ushers a good night’s sleep for you.

Even though, some people say that there is nothing called writer’s block- It is a myth. But, those who have suffered from it know how viciously awful it is. But, if you try the above tricks, you can get past your writer’s block or at least can write more prolifically as these methods are tried and tested by aspiring writers and professionals alike. So, what is your unique solution to break through a writer’s block? Tell us about it at publication@excellerbooks.com

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