Exceller Books


MRP Calculator
Author Royalty Calculator

MRP is the maximum retail price for a book. It covers the production and distribution cost of your book.

You can decide any maximum retail price for your book but it should cover the cost involved in the production and distribution of your book.

Category: Royalty

Royalty is calculated as the difference between the MRP of the book and the cost gone into the production and distribution. Net Profit = MRP – Expenses (Production Cost + Distribution Cost).

We provide 100% of the net profit to the author as royalty.

Category: Royalty

The production cost includes printing cost, packing cost, labeling cost, service charge of us & miscellaneous.

We have partners to distribute your published books  through world’s leading online and physical distribution channels. The distribution cost includes the commission for online and physical distribution partners. 

Please note that there is no distribution cost includes if your book will be sold through Exceller Book Store. 


Category: Royalty

Our author dashboard enables you to track the progress of the book. Authors also get keep count of sales and royalty easily.

Category: Royalty
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