Exceller Books

Humankind Religion and God

Humankind Religion and God

BY Faoso Telaumbanua

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There is no space whatsoever in this universe nor in the human mind, including the space called religion, that can contain the Creator of All Things. Anyone and anything that tries to monopolize God or the news about God will be torn apart and humiliated by its own stupidity and arrogance. Hopefully this book can help build brightness in the midst of a world filled with people whose love and admiration for their religion exceeds the love for God and fellow humans. Love for religion should not make people lose their minds, on the contrary, religion exists to help those who live in the dark.

About Author

Faoso F. Telaumbanua was born in Nias, a small island in the Indian Ocean in the western part of Sumatra, Indonesia, on April 8, 1970. He holds a professional advocate license. The author does not have a formal theological education, but his interest in observing the phenomenon of human religiosity is quite large. The author has great concern because many people are immersed in their religion, and they seem to think that they automatically become people who know God just because they have religion to believe in and follow. Excessive love for religion causes humans to not care about love for God and others.


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