Famous cricketer and captain of the Indian cricket team, Rajarshi Ganguly, mysteriously vanishes from the rooftop of his Kolkata home. Unknown to his family and friends, he has been taken to the enigmatic Green Planet by its inhabitants.
Panic-stricken, his family turns to the brilliant Detective Surya for help. Along with his trusted companions, Krishna and Ujjoyini, Surya embarks on a thrilling journey to uncover the truth. Their pursuit leads them to the Green Planet, where they find themselves entangled in a web of unexpected challenges and riveting adventures.
What secrets does the Green Planet hold? Will Detective Surya and his team succeed in bringing Rajarshi back? Dive into this gripping tale of mystery, camaraderie, and the extraordinary unknown!
About Author
Dr. Prabhat Bhattacharyya, MBBS, MD (Medicine), is a consultant physician with a special focus on Cardiology and Diabetology. With years of experience in practice, he is known for his dedication to patient care. Beyond his medical work, he is actively involved in free clinics, offering help to those in need. Dr. Bhattacharyya is also an avid reader and writer, contributing articles to various medical and non-medical journals and magazines, including stories and poems. ‘The Cardiac Blueprint’ is his latest effort to share knowledge about the heart and heart-related diseases in a simple and accessible way.
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