What Is the Green Publishing Initiative?

Exceller Books has always been aware of the damages that the publishing industry causes to the environment and has tried to act accordingly. Initially our concern for the environment influenced us to provide the service of printing books on demand (POD). This option is environmentally conscious and economically less wasteful because publishers don’t have to dispose of unsold books from a large print run. Now we are taking this initiative further by inspiring the authors to publish their works through our subsidised ‘Green Publishing Package’, which is publishing in ebook format. There is no denying the fact that the ebook format has the potential to lead the industry due to its low price and easy accessibility. This way the budding authors are not only getting an equal or sometimes even larger audience than what they generally get in printed book formats, they are also benefiting from this subsidised package that we are providing. In this way Green Publishing is helpful to both the authors and the environment.

Why Is Green Publishing Necessary?

The publishing industry has been thriving since it took its first step with Gutenberg’s printing press. But now as we have reached the 21st century, we realise that publishing affects the environment severely. Currently the book publishing industry is the third largest greenhouse emitter and thus impacting climate change through global warming. In 2006 the industry’s carbon footprint was around 12.4 million metric tons, which means 8.85 pounds carbon per book in the United States alone. In 2017 research showed that around 32 million trees are sacrificed every year to make paper in the United States only. Some of the major publishing houses are taking effective measures to change this situation by using 30% of postconsumer waste, replacing virgin fyber with postconsumer recycled fibre and so on. E-publishing is the only sustainable way-out to fight this global situation.

What You Get under ‘Green Publishing Package’?

ISBN, Publishing Consultation, Proofreading and Editing, Cover Design, Formatting & Layout, Book Cover (colour), Inside Pages (colour), E-book Creation Facility, Global Online Distribution (Amazon Kindle, Google Play, Kobo) Payout Frequency (monthly), Royalty (100% profit), Sales Notification, Poster (e-copy), Facebook and Instagram Page Setup, Marketing Guidance.

How Can You Be a Part of This Initiative?

If you are planning to publish a book right now, you can consider publishing your writing in form of ebook. In this way you can be a part of this movement and contribute to a greener future. We, Exceller Books will support you in this endeavour through a complete ‘Green Publishing Package’ in a subsidised price. You will get a package worth $149/INR 7499 for just $99/INR 4999!

    Start Your Movement Now!