4 Proven Ways to Improve the Attention Span for Reading

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About Anjita Ganguly

Co-founder & Publication Expert at Exceller Books, Anjita describes herself as a teacher by heart, traveler by passion and a publication expert by profession. An  unfaltering pursuit of literature has cultivated in her a diverse mood, lovely temperament and boundless patience – a bunch of essential qualities for managing a publishing process. She switches between being firm and friendly while coordinating between the in-house teams to deliver the most effective job. When she is not saddled with her day-to-day responsibility, she can be found tripping along uncharted territories in the hope of experiencing new people and cultures.

Many of us adore reading, yet our concentration varies. Almost every reader faces bouts of distraction, leaving stacks of unread books. Reading reflects our appreciation for the activity, but incomplete utilization of reading time disappoints. Losing focus after ten or twenty pages isn’t alarming, but a dwindling attention span to mere lines indicates a problem. External factors like work, family, or health might contribute. It’s vital to enhance attention span to rekindle the joy of reading. Here are effective methods to boost focus:

  1. Try to Maintain a Healthy Sleep Schedule: Insomnia and lack of enough sleep are common problems in modern times. If you are sleep-deprived all the time, it is natural that you will lose your focus in everything you do. Reading demands undivided attention; therefore, reading while you have not gotten enough sleep is impossible. Sleeping becomes difficult once we become adults. We are busy throughout the day, and our brains keep working on various tasks, so when we try to sleep, the brain refuses to shut down. Our body gets tired, and keeping the eyes open becomes difficult, but the brain keeps working. There are a few tricks that improve the quality of sleep.
  • The first trick is to avoid caffeine. It is okay to have a mug or two in the morning but strictly avoid caffeine in the afternoon or later; it will calm your nerves down and help you relax, which is very important to have a good sleep.
  • Avoid screens before bed; spend less time with your mobile or pc before sleeping.
  • Exercise daily to keep your muscles healthy and active; study shows that increasing physical activity helps with sleep quality.
  1. Meditate: Meditation is the cure for everything. Science proves that meditation improves both physical and mental health. It increases attention, focus, memory, and other cognitive abilities, such as reading comprehension and retention of information. Several people might have mentioned it before, and yes, it sounds a bit boring or difficult maybe, but it is just a simple breathing exercise. Do this for two weeks, and you will notice a change in your daily activities. It keeps you healthy, enthusiastic, and focused all day long.
  2. Listen to Music: Music is not a pastime activity; it is therapeutic. Different kinds of moods demand different types of music. While jogging or working out, you will listen to rock or metal to boost your power and energy, but before reading, listening to something soft is a good idea. Try classical music; it helps a lot. If you are not into Mozart or Beethoven, try some soft jazz. This type of music calms you down, increases your attention span, and sets the mood for reading.
  3. Learn to Let Go: It is okay to quit reading a book you are not enjoying. The fact that it is a bestseller or your friend enjoyed it must not bother you. We all have different tastes. Not just that, there is a right mood and time for every book. Maybe it is not the right time to read that particular book; you will probably enjoy it some other time. Whatever the reason might be, do not drag a read you are not enjoying. It wastes your time and makes you less interested in reading other books. Do not force yourself to read anything. Read what you like.

Numbers do not matter. Do not bother about how many books you have read. Read slowly; read one book a year if that’s what it takes but make sure you are reading it by heart and enjoying it. There is no substitute for reading, especially if you want to publish and print your own book. A good writer is an avid reader first. So, do everything you need to improve your reading concentration.

One thought on “4 Proven Ways to Improve the Attention Span for Reading

  1. Frederick W. Sonpon

    My life is like filled with engagement as though a bucket filled with water inside. This article has the vital ingredients that I can begin properly managing my reading life alongside with job and writing career as well. I really enjoyed reading it. It was a great advice and information provider. Because of my professional engagement these days, it seems almost impossible for me to really read at the level it used be like. This article was a help and I hope I can improve on the pace relating to my reading habit and others, in reshaping my professional life better. Thanks.


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