7 Editing Tools Used in Book Publication

Writing is revitalising but also an overwhelming task. It takes an author days, months, sometimes years to finish what they started and after all that hard work comes another process even more overwhelming than writing: editing. Almost all the authors are a bit scared of editing because it is not only time-taking but also extremely […]

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5 Impacts of AI in the World of Literature

Who thought one day creativity will be found outside of human beings? Artificial Intelligence has changed the entire look of the creative world, especially the journalism and publishing business. In Japan, computers are now taking part in literary competitions, can you believe it? In this era of “cutting edge writers” those who are sceptical about […]

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Interview with Diptendu Chatterjee

Exceller Books is thrilled to inform you that your book ‘21 Cards’ has been successfully published. Thank you for choosing us as your publisher, it has been an honour working with you. We also need to acknowledge your patience and constant support without which we could not have finished the process effectively. It will be […]

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5 Ways to Get You Started on Your Audiobook

Ever thought of DIY-ing your audiobook? Sounds exciting! No waiting for publishers to respond, no appointments with literary agents, sound experts or distributors, no fuss with paid narrators, and yet your audiobook can be heard by the world when they drive, cook, work or run. According to Deloitte, global audiobook sales reached over four billion dollars […]

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7 Ways to Build a Career as a Writer

Writing is an attractive profession that promises name, fame, creativity and fulfilment. However, in the world of publication, nothing is like a piece of cake anymore. You have to get accepted in publication houses, which has become a very lengthy process in the traditional route. Therefore, many people want to navigate how to publish and […]

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5 Ways to Become a Writer Influencer

You don’t become an influencer by chance anymore. It has become a part of everyone’s job to be an influencer for marketing anything that you do, so that it reaches the world and gets appreciated. For a writer, becoming an influencer on social media is extra-beneficial because to be an influencer, you need to know […]

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5 Ways to Use Audiobooks in the Classroom

The pandemic scenario has changed the way we look at things. Education is also a part of that changing scenario where newer technologies have excelled as well as replaced many old school practices. While audiobooks have already become a convenient way of reading and listening in modern days, the COVID-19 situation helped the implementation of […]

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Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a book

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a book

You need to be an author, if you are an entrepreneur. This is the world of diverse experiences, where you do multiple hands-on tasks in place of just one task; you develop your experience and expertise as you explore different opportunities and avenues. However, being multitalented or diversely skilled is a bonus in today’s world, […]

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Publish and print your own book

10 Steps of Creating Your Own Audiobook

Ever thought of DIY-ing your audiobook? Sounds exciting! No waiting for publishers to respond, no appointments with literary agents, sound experts or distributors, no fuss with paid narrators, and yet your audiobook can be heard by the world when they drive, cook, work or run. According to Deloitte, global audiobook sales reached over four billion […]

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7 Best Audiobook Publishing Platforms for Authors

7 Best Audiobook Publishing Platforms for Authors

Audiobooks are the fastest growing online segments in the publishing platform. Audiobooks are in trend because of their global reach and easy accessibility from any part of the world. Additionally, audiobooks are growing in popularity because you can use them while doing other jobs like typing, driving, eating, cooking or other factory jobs, because audiobooks […]

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