Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a book

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a book

You need to be an author, if you are an entrepreneur. This is the world of diverse experiences, where you do multiple hands-on tasks in place of just one task; you develop your experience and expertise as you explore different opportunities and avenues. However, being multitalented or diversely skilled is a bonus in today’s world, […]

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Writers under Lockdown: 10 Tips for Survival

Writers under Lockdown: 10 Tips for Survival

During a global pandemic, when the world seems to have been shut down, our work suffers as much as the economy does. Especially for writers, going out for population surveys, seeking real-world stories and collaboration with fellow writers and publishers, everything come to a halt. Outer-world inspiration is almost zero, and you barely have enough […]

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9 Tested Ways to Become a Successful Writer

9 Tested Ways to Become a Successful Writer

Different people want to become successful in different ways. Some people want it out of writing. Writing can be an art form, sometimes, it is a protest medium. In whichever way you define it, writing is one of the best ways of self-expressionism; of speaking your mind. No wonder, many people want to become successful […]

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Just like most other opinionated arguments, ‘print book or e-book?’ is not a question, but a debate in the publishing industry. It is important to focus on the good and bad aspects of both formats before you decide in what way you would like to publish your book. However, people give a balanced consensus in favor of both formats. But since 2007, Kindle Reader has been in the market, so are e-books on several other digital platforms. It will be great to understand the potential benefits of e-book creation and distribution for an aspiring author, to understand the publishing market and its future.

Here are 7 Reasons why you should publish your book in the E-Book format-

  1. Tool for Business Leaders– E-books can be a great tool of marketing for businessmen who want to develop a credibility for the presentation. Instead of brochures, e-books written on topics related to the industry serve as better sources to serve clients, the goals and objectives of the business. Since e-books are less expensive and time-consuming to produce and distribute, businessmen aggressively use it these days to cater their work to clients.
  2. E-books Can Accommodate Any Length– For an author, it might be a cringy idea to squeeze your thoughts within word limit. However, it is common problem in the traditional publishing industry because the more pages published, the costlier is the book. So, publishers don’t want to go beyond a certain limit in terms of print book, especially if they themselves invest in your book. But e-books are quite flexible, it is normal to go beyond 90,000 or 1,00,000 words because it is a digital format, that doesn’t cost extra, because it doesn’t have a physical space.
  3. E-books are Cost Efficient for Readers– E-books cost far less than print book, and readers prefer downloading e-books more these days because they want to pay less and get more content and knowledge. Just as they are cheap to produce for authors, it is cheap for readers to buy, hence e-books have larger chances of selling, a strong reason why you should publish your book as an e-book.
  4. E-books Take up Less Space– Ebooks just take up a digital space which might be infinite, hence they are easier to carry and can be read from anywhere. No wonder, the future of reading lies with these ebooks.
  5. E-books are Widely Available– An author’s primary objective is to get people read the published book. Since e-books are not restricted to an in-store space, they can be largely distributed with simple uploads on different platforms, with a minimal subscription charge. Hence ebooks gets huge viewership, large readers and unexpected citations.
  6. Ebooks Can Have Other Digital Formats– Ebooks can be transformed to audiobooks too. Busy lifestyle urges people to listen to books on the go, while doing some other work, travelling or driving. Hectic lifestyle choices have made audiobooks very popular. It takes an extra cost to produce the narrations with a vocal artist, but ebooks are super easy to convert to audiofiles.
  7. Fluidity of Ebooks– Earlier, a wise saying said that water or mud can be molded as desired. Same goes for e-books. Its fluid nature is beneficial in many ways. It is instantly delivered, that is when a reader purchases an ebook, he/she doesn’t have to wait for its delivery. The technology allows readers to select viewing layout; horizontally or vertically read ebooks are much more user-friendly. The size allows easier readability, so if you publish and print your own book in the said format, people will access it more, because its easy for them. E-books are also easily shareable, which means your friend can read it the same time as you do; one doesn’t need to wait upon finishing of another, like we do for hard copies of books.

Technological advances have changed the publishing market in upward spirals; ebook is just an example of that. Even though many conservationists still believe in the authenticity and feel of a print book, it is evident, that with reading devices like Kindle, tablets and smartphones, ebooks are not going anywhere, rather they are the future of publishing world.

Publish and Print Your Own Book

10 Mental and Physical Benefits of Audiobooks

Audiobooks have been trending in market for quite sometime now, and they come with mixed reactions from people. Some really love them for their flexibility, i.e., you can listen to audiobooks while you do other things and that means better time management, while others feel more comfortable counting on the benefits of traditional reading, and […]

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publish and print your own book

5 Ways to Deal with Self-doubt as an Authorpreneur

A book is a creation. A completed and published book is a product on its own which has the potential to draw business and create job opportunities for others. It is the capability of an author to identify a book’s true potentials and use it for business opportunities that can generate profits regularly, and a […]

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publish and print your own book

10 Signs that You Have Got the Potentials to Become an Author

Having a career as an author is a dream which many of us tend to take up in their lives. Writing is a hard task which requires, time, attention and dedication. Additionally, to publish and print your own book, you have to go through the routes of publication houses, editors and marketers which are also […]

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publish and print your own book.

10 Steps to Become an Authorpreneur

A book is a creation. A completed and published book is a product on its own which has the potential to draw business and create job opportunities for others. It is the capability of an author to identify a book’s true potentials and use it for business opportunities that can generate profits regularly, and a […]

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self publishing in India

7 Tips for Starting Your Food Blog Today

As authors, different people have different aspirations. If your dream is to become a food critic or publish your own cookbook, the first step is to become a food blogger. You can host your own website with interesting stories about popular or not-so-popular food destinations in the country or across the world. You can also […]

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Publishing a book in India

8 Creative Alternative Professions for Writers During the COVID-19 Lockdown

During a global pandemic, when the world seems to have been shut down, our work suffers as much as the economy does. Especially for researchers, going out for population surveys, data collection and collaboration with fellow researchers, students and professors, everything come to a hault. COVID-19 is one such global pandemic where all of the […]

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