Interview with Dr. Uche Ifediba

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About Anjita Ganguly

Co-founder & Publication Expert at Exceller Books, Anjita describes herself as a teacher by heart, traveler by passion and a publication expert by profession. An  unfaltering pursuit of literature has cultivated in her a diverse mood, lovely temperament and boundless patience – a bunch of essential qualities for managing a publishing process. She switches between being firm and friendly while coordinating between the in-house teams to deliver the most effective job. When she is not saddled with her day-to-day responsibility, she can be found tripping along uncharted territories in the hope of experiencing new people and cultures.

Exceller Books is thrilled to inform you that your book How Much of Your Food Is Poison?: Find Out and Live Longer has been successfully published. Thank you for choosing us as your publishing guide. It has been an honour working with you. We also need to acknowledge your patience and constant support, without which we could not have finished the process effectively.

Please give us a few minutes from your busy schedule and briefly discuss your newly published book with us.

Q. What was your biggest inspiration in this publishing journey?

A: Well, the desire to solve a problem drives my passion for writing. As a drug expert with many years of experience, having seen a lot in the field of practice and research, I often get worried about how people use drugs. I preach against the indiscriminate use of medicines and drugs. I feel so concerned because no prolonged misuse of drugs goes without damaging consequences. 

Now, with food, the problem is worse. Many poisonous chemicals have found their way into modern food. Thousands of them are officially approved for use in food production and water treatment. And we eat and drink several times a day. This makes it a big problem. So, my new book, How Much of Your Food is Poison? – Find out and Live Longer is my contribution to better world health and well-being.

Q. Why did you choose to write about this issue?

A: You will agree that strange things are happening in the health sector today. Just look around. You will see that this time, sicknesses that don’t run in certain families are becoming rampant among the family members. Again, chronic diseases that come with old age now affect many young people. We see more cases of obesity, high blood pressure, kidney diseases, cancer, heart problems, and premature death. Young men and women with hypertension are relatively more now than in the previous generation. To unravel the cause of this prompted me to write on this issue. 

Q. Do you have any messages for your readers?

A: Yes, of course. My message to everybody is to be cautious about what they eat. Go more for organic or natural foods. Avoid or minimize the use of artificial spices. Chemicals manufactured in the laboratory can never safely replace natural condiments. Spread this message. Give this book as a gift and a souvenir to family members and friends.

Q. When can your readers expect another book from you?

A: That’s a big question. Well, before my current publication, I had three publications: Military Dictatorship: The Impact of a Tragedy, Percolations of Deep Thoughts: A Collection of Poems and Live Longer and Healthier with Less Medication. Before I published my 4th book, which you are interviewing me on, I had written another book on health which should have come before the last one. I can’t mention the title here because I can still change it and enrich the content. But you should expect that as soon as possible. I’m also working on two others simultaneously. 

 Q. How have you planned your future as an author?

A: Well, I don’t think I really set out to be an author. My preoccupation has always been to practise my profession as a pharmacist, and that dominates my life activities, and I must confess to you that it also disturbs my writing career. 

On the whole, I can say that I had planned my future as a writer, without knowing it, right from my secondary school days when I developed the habit of versatile reading, which in no small measure has deepened my analytical thinking. That habit is still there, though, to some extent, it’s limited by lack of time. Yet I always try to acquire more requisite knowledge in the subjects I write about so as to always have something new to offer to my readers.

Thank you for your time. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Have a remarkable career ahead!

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