Interview with Pastor Engr. Igwe Chijioke Charles

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About Anjita Ganguly

Co-founder & Publication Expert at Exceller Books, Anjita describes herself as a teacher by heart, traveler by passion and a publication expert by profession. An  unfaltering pursuit of literature has cultivated in her a diverse mood, lovely temperament and boundless patience – a bunch of essential qualities for managing a publishing process. She switches between being firm and friendly while coordinating between the in-house teams to deliver the most effective job. When she is not saddled with her day-to-day responsibility, she can be found tripping along uncharted territories in the hope of experiencing new people and cultures.

Exceller Books is thrilled to inform you that your book Amplified Meditation has been successfully published. Thank you for choosing us as your publishing guide. It has been an honour working with you. We also need to acknowledge your patience and constant support, without which we could not have finished the process effectively.

It would be great if you give us a few minutes from your busy schedule and have a brief discussion with us regarding your newly published book.

Q. How do you feel after releasing your book?

A: I am so happy to have published my book with you. It was an incredible experience for me. 

Q. Was it always your dream to become a writer? How did you pursue this? Who was your biggest inspiration in this journey?

A: Yes, it has always been my dream, and this is a dream come true moment for me. It was tough, but the book is here.

And my biggest inspiration is always God, the Holy Spirit.

Q. Do you think your book will help people value the importance of meditation? 

A: I think this book will help people to know and understand themselves from the inside. Also, meditation communicates to the body, the spirit, and the soul, which helps people strengthen their bond with themselves.

Q. Can your readers expect a book from you soon? 

A: Yes, absolutely!

Q. Do you have any messages for your readers? 

Ans: Acceptance is the key to peace. Teach your heart to accept and embrace the truth. 

Q. How have you planned your writing career?

A: I do not look at it as a plan. The more I see, the more I get inspired to write. 

Thank you for your time. We wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Have a wonderful career ahead!

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