Interview with Rose Okwemba

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About Anjita Ganguly

Co-founder & Publication Expert at Exceller Books, Anjita describes herself as a teacher by heart, traveler by passion and a publication expert by profession. An  unfaltering pursuit of literature has cultivated in her a diverse mood, lovely temperament and boundless patience – a bunch of essential qualities for managing a publishing process. She switches between being firm and friendly while coordinating between the in-house teams to deliver the most effective job. When she is not saddled with her day-to-day responsibility, she can be found tripping along uncharted territories in the hope of experiencing new people and cultures.

In an exclusive interview with Exceller Books, author Rose Okwemba  opens up about her recent release Requirement Elicitation Framework for re-engineering diagnostic health care Information Systems in Kenya and talks about how this process has been affected by outdated computer systems that are no longer applicable to current contexts but are being used due to unavailability of upgraded versions.

Exceller Books:  Hearty congratulations to you on getting your book published. As we know that this book came out of your year-long research in the field of diagnostic health care information system. What was your biggest inspiration behind turning your thesis into a book?

Rose: Thanks a lot. I wanted many people to read and be aware that there are upgraded versions of software as well as hardware that are working much better than outdated systems. The current output from updated version is much better and faster and efficient. For example, Artificial intelligence and expert systems that is able to mimic human beings.

Secondly, I was motivated by many books that have been published by Exceller books. They are good quality and wanted to try with mine and I was satisfied.

Exceller Books: Can you talk about your initial days of writing? Any specific challenges or incident you experienced which urged you to write this book?

Rose: Well, I have come a long way. I would write but not get good editors like the once I got in Exceller Books publisher. The book would take a long time before being published. The cost would be too high and output would not be good. Exceller Books has been able to offer good publishing in affordable price.

Secondly, what urged me to write the book are many incidences that have occurred when I visit general hospitals like a case of Kenya.  Many outdated hardware and software are still being used. One they are very slow, produce poor output and do not disseminate information well. The hardware like monitors resolution affects the users. There is need for a change and that’s what the book advocates.

Exceller Books:  As opposed to research work, a book is more extensively read. Do you think this book, which started off as research, will be able to respond well to the general readers? Have you done anything special to make your call in this book universal?

Rose: Yes, this book is about a practical problem; so close to people’s life. Plus, many people will get access. First of all, the publisher Exceller Books has ensured the books is accessible on all sights like Amazon Kindle, Google Play and Kobo.

Exceller Books: Do you think this particular shortcoming identified by you in your book is limited to Kenya only or is it such that the problem is on a much deeper level than just lack of available resources?

Rose: No it’s not only limited to Kenya. Kenya is only an example. Outdated systems are used in many countries hence reducing their outputs, contributed by lack of resources.

Exceller Books: What solution do you suggest to bridge the gap between users, providers and analysts in their mutual ability to understand different software?

Rose: Awareness is very important in all aspects. Users need to come up with their requirement specification Providers need to develop current software that can tackle user requirements. Analyst should do proper investigation and analysis of the problem being defined so that providers and users and proper linked to came up with usable product. Service providers should do training often of new software, came up self-explanatory manuals. Communication channels between users, providers and analyst must be improved.

Thanks for your time. Wish you all the best for your future and hope you enjoy a successful career as a writer.

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